
Suzanne Elizabeth | 8th October 2017

We have all heard the word anxiety & most of us are/have suffered with it in some way or another but what can be done about it? Well, lot’s actually.

First let’s look at some of the common symptoms.

  1. Feeling Frightened, nervous or panicky all the time
  2. Getting down or depressed
  3. Difficulty sleeping
  4. Low appetite
  5. Lack of concentration

It can be different to handle at times & make you feel quite lonely so how can you start to change things around? You can start by not being your own worse critic & becoming aware of changes you need to make so you can enjoy life more.

Here are my top tips:

  1. Ditch anything that breads negativity, so you can have a positive, happy life. Think about what that means to you? It could be still looking at other peoples social medias, looking at their happy lives or feeling like you need to look like them to fit in!! You don’t. It could be you keep negative company or are in a bad habit or putting yourself down! STOP IT! right now!
  2. Fill the gap you have created with Amazing inspiration, you can find it everywhere, from nature, to books, to looking into your own heart. Yes that’s right. You are probably awesome at giving advice but not so hot at listening to your own advice.
  3. Start to become aware of inner voice. What are you telling yourself? You might find the answers to why you feel so anxious. What you tell yourself is incredibly important & I want you to start feeding in the good stuff. After all, you deserve lots of love & praise. So start giving yourself what you need & watch as your mind & body start to respond & relax.

For more in-depth support. Click here & explore more ways to understand your anxiety & start to kick it’s butt! Or contact me here.

All my love & support

Suzanne Elizabeth,

The Self Love Coach