Beauty secrets to perfectly straight teeth

SAM | 28th January 2019

With a number of amazing secrets in the beauty community, having the picture-perfect smile easier than ever before. With both traditional methods such as braces or retainers that are only worn at night or brand new Invisalign treatments there are several ways to get straight teeth even on a restricted budget.



When looking for perfectly straight teeth, there is a best keep secret that will revolutionise the way your care for your mouth. Though many people still opt for the traditional metal braces, there has since been the invention of clear braces that do not restrict what you can and cannot eat and drink. They simply slide over the surface of the teeth and help manipulate them until they are perfectly straight. With treatments such as Invisalign, there are multiple sets of braces for you to change per week. They then get tighter and tighter to straighten the teeth over the course of a year.



If the idea of braces does not appeal to you, then the use of a retainer may be more beneficial. These can be placed over the top of the teeth as you sleep to help force the teeth back to their original straight shape. This 8-hour period is ideal as it does not affect you during the day but will help to keep your teeth healthy during the evening and prevent grinding. When the teeth are straight, you will no longer need to use the retainer, meaning you can reuse it again should you experience any dramatic change.



Another way that you can care for your teeth and set about straightening them with braces is through flossing. This will help to strengthen the gums and prevent the tooth from moving. This will also help to prevent gum disease which will then help to heal the whole mouth. Though this will not actually move the teeth, it will help any further moment and reduce the need for a more severe treatment such as braces. Another benefit of flossing is that it can help to remove plaque from the teeth and prevent cavities from keeping the mouth healthy all year round.



The final way you can help maintain perfectly good teeth is by brushing regularly. This will help keep the teeth healthy from root to tip, keeping it rooted into the gum. This is important as this ensures that there is minimal movement throughout the course of the day, particularly when eating tough food such as apples and other fruit and veg. By keeping the mouth free of harmful bacteria, you can then set about keeping the mouth healthy for a much longer period of time without the use of harmful chemicals.


Regardless of the current state of your teeth, it is important to remember that there are several solutions out there that can help you to straighten your teeth in no time at all. Which will you choose for your teeth?