Make Gratitude Your Attitude

Suzanne Elizabeth | 8th June 2016


With healer to the stars Suzanne Elizabeth

Your attitude will impact on every aspect of your life, so why not make sure it’s filled with positivity and motivation to help keep you in that happy place. Being grateful is all about your awareness of how lucky you are to have even the most basic things that others take for granted. We spend most of our time thinking about what we want instead of what we already have. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never feel content.

Benefits of gratitude


Emotionally, you’ll feel happier, more relaxed and more resilient.
Socially, you’ll build deeper relationships, be kinder and more sociable with people.
Health-wise, you’ll sleep better, have increased energy and get sick less often.
Personally, you’ll feel more optimistic, confident and less materialistic.
Career-wise, you’ll be better organised, with a clear mind; improving goals and decision-making

How to be more grateful

1: Keep a gratitude journal. It’s surprising what it will make you aware of and, from a manifesting point of view, it will bring more things into your life to be grateful for.   Win, Win!

2: Learn to change your mindset. When you’re having a bad day, don’t spiral into the depths of negativity, just take a moment to realise the lesson life is trying to show you and be grateful you’ve experienced it so that you can do things differently next time. Understand life is all about lessons and we are all certainly still learning

3: Become involved with a cause close to your heart. Not only will you feel appreciated, you’ll gain a greater appreciation for life and feel good for giving back. Brace yourself for an explosion of love in your heart when you open yourself up to the endless possibilities of how giving can fill you with joy and gratitude

4: Each day mindfully bounce into life with energy and enthusiasm – after all you’re lucky to be alive. Make an active choice to enjoy every moment and don’t let others burst your bubble. Be aware of the energy vampires and give them a wide berth!

5: Become aware of how much you complain, criticise or gossip in your everyday life. Notice the amount of energy you’re wasting. Time to put that energy to better use and start to live the life you deserve, full of love, laughter and things to be grateful for.

Keep shining. Suzanne Elizabeth, Holistic Coach

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