No stress, no wrinkles: How to make your face wrinkle free

SAM | 21st March 2019

If there’s one thing that we don’t want to happen in our lives, it is aging. It may instinctively dawn on us that we were made to be immortals. But truth be told, we’re not! Aging is the normal process of life, and embracing it may at times be the hardest truth to swallow.


There are countless of ways in ensuring that you age gracefully. Beware though, there are so many products out there promising the fountain of youth, but instead, the results are disastrous to your skin. If you are therefore looking for ways on how to do this safely, you are in the right place. Here’s how to make your face wrinkle-free.


The non-invasive way to get rid of wrinkles


From using retinoids and antioxidants to other treatments such as dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and deeper peels, there are quite a number of non-invasive ways to get rid of wrinkles. However, very few, if any of these bet Botox treatment according to many experts in the cosmetic and beauty industry. This is a type of treatment that over the last few decades, has become so popular even among celebrities and is one of the best non-surgical cosmetic wrinkle treatments there is. The best part of it all is that it’s a natural process involving the use of neurotoxins derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. By itself, it becomes the most effective wrinkle treatment in our age. Here’s what you need to know about treating wrinkles with botox.


  • It’s used to treat chronic migraines
  • It’s used to treat muscular disorders
  • It’s the best treatment for those suffering from shoulder and neck spasms


The most important aspect of Botox treatment is consulting a professional beautician and your doctor before proceeding to the treatment.

Cosmetic surgery


You may also opt for cosmetic surgery for the removal of unwanted facial wrinkles. This may involve surgical facelifts and brow lifts, which sometimes people combine with other cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty for a complete facial makeover. However, many people tend to be weary of these procedures in fear of risks such as excessive bleeding, pain, and scarring.  


Natural remedies


Many people invest in expensive creams and unhealthy procedures in trying to get rid of facial wrinkles. Unbeknownst to them, there are so many natural home remedies that have been proven to help with this problem. Here are some natural remedies you can try to reduce or eliminate wrinkles from your face.


  • Egg whites – Egg whites contain Vitamin B and E. These are the essential vitamins required in the rejuvenation of old skin. With just a few egg whites whipped in a bowl, massage it on your skin and allow it to sit for at least 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Doing this twice every week will help you achieve a very smooth skin complexion as well as in warding off those irritable wrinkles


  • Massage – With this, you’ll need to use the best wrinkle creams that are enriched retinoids and Hyaluronic acids. This will help in tightening up your skin tissues as well as in smoothing out the rough complexion. To do this, you are required to be gentle on the facial massage. But before you start off the process, ensure that you first and foremost start off by wiping your face with a cloth dipped in warm water. This will allow the facial pores to open. A five minutes massage twice every week will work wonders on your facial wrinkles.


  • Olive oil – With just a few drops of natural olive oil, giving your face a five minutes massage with this wonder oil will help you achieve a soft, supple, and younger skin. Doing this every night before bedtime will go a long way in helping you maintain a more youthful complexion. After the massage, rinse with a soft towel.

Eating a well-balanced diet


A well-balanced diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables. These are filled with a great supply of Vitamin A and D. these are the essential vitamins for healthy glowing skin. Even after trying all the various cosmetic products and procedures, your doctor will still advise you on the importance of eating a well-balanced diet in helping to sustain a younger and wrinkle-free facial appearance.

The fact that wrinkles are the inevitable agents of aging, you’ll still want to keep in touch with your younger self. This will be achieved by following the above helpful tips. You are still recommended to drink plenty of fluids and avoid stress if possible in helping you to keep your skin hydrated and young. With this in mind, be forever young.