Pre & Post Party Tips From Face Yoga Expert Danielle Collins

Annie Korn-Morris | 4th December 2017

During this festive period, it is one party after another right up until the big one – New Years Eve, but how can you maintain your natural beauty from the first party to the very last?

Danielle Collins is a leading expert in face yoga, which is exactly what it says on the tin; yoga for your face! It is a great way to keep your skin feeling and looking freshly radiant without having to use any expensive lotions or potions. Here are some of her top pre and post-party tips to keep you looking your best through all the festivities of December:

Pre-Party Tips

Rosy Glow: Who doesn’t want glowing skin? To achieve the perfect rosy glow, promotion of circulation, and boosting the collagen and elastin in your face is vital. Using two fingers and thumbs, pinch gently yet deeply all over the cheek area for 30 seconds. Doing this will keep your skin looking flowing, energised and firm; even when you feel anything but!

Shifty Eyes: If it’s your eye area that needs some TLC, it is important to get the circulation flowing around your eyes to help them sparkle and glow. To do this, you must keep your forehead still and relaxed whilst you move just your eyes. Move your eyes up and down, side to side five times. Then, focus on one point in front of you, as you remain still, keep your eyes open as wide as you can for around 20 seconds. This will give you some sparkle and shine, even when you’ve had just a few hours sleep!

Post-Party Tips

Circle The Eyes: After a party and not much sleep, it is usually our eye area that suffers most, so to help reduce those nasty dark circles and puffiness, you must remove the toxins and excess fluid from that area, but how? Well, using your index finger, gently tap around the eye area twice. Then with feather light touch, strike under the eyes moving outwards 3 times making sure that you don’t drag the skin!

Temples Acupressure: If you’ve had a little too much to drink, or just not much sleep, you may very well get a headache but Danielle has just the trick to help you out. Gently press the naturally indented area on either side of your eyebrows for 30 seconds and then massage for a further 30 seconds. This will allow you to party all night, and still feel ready for work the next day.

Nose Acupressure: Another common issue during this festive (but very cold) period is the common cold! To help unblock your sinuses, as well as bring some glow back into your face, press either side of your nose bone for 30 seconds and then massage for a further 30 seconds. Because there is nothing worse than only being able to breathe through your mouth!

So whether you have tired, dull skin or just a really bad headache, Danielle has the remedy for you. To find out more about Danielle Collins, click here or check out her Face Yoga app, which may be found in Apple and Android app stores.