Signs that your detox diet is actually working

VIVA Team | 16th February 2019

At some point in your life, it’s likely that you’ve found yourself having an emotional conversation about weight loss; whether it’s about you or about a friend or family member struggling to lose the extra weight.


We all know how frustrating this journey can be and how in extreme cases, it can be threatening to mental as well as physical health.


However, the good thing about how common this topic is with all people on the face of Earth is that tons of research suggests new exciting findings every single day. Nowadays, people seem to be adopting an upgraded approach to weight-loss that is all about cleansing and incorporating healthy eating habits in their daily routines. 


A detox will help rid your body from toxins that accumulate from harmful foods and other environmental factors. If you have been following a detox diet and want to know if it is actually working, here are the signs that you need to look out for:


You Are Feeling More Energetic

When toxins build up in your gut, among many other symptoms, you will start feeling lethargic and unable to stay active throughout your day. The first sign that your body is being restored into its normal “clean” state is a surge in your energy levels. If you want to continue getting even better results when it comes to your energy levels, use the help of tea reviews to learn about different ingredients and what each kind of tea is recommended for. Teas are one of the easiest ways to maintain a detox diet since, unlike smoothies, they are easy to prepare and much more affordable. Besides, nothing feels better than a cup of herbal tea to wind down after a long day at work.


You Are No Longer Craving “Harmful” Ingredients

A detox will drain all harmful ingredients out of your system. When all of these substances are flushed out, with time, your body will learn to stop craving them. Like the case with sugar, for example, a detox will give your body the chance to break out of the vicious cycle of needing sugar once its level drops in your bloodstream. Sending you in a sugar high afterward will guarantee a sugar dependency or even addiction over time. You will notice that with your detox diet, your appetite is usually suppressed and you do not depend on sugars or caffeine to “wake you up”.


Signs that your detox diet is actually working


You Do Not Often Get Sick 

And even if/when you do, your immune system is much better at fighting off diseases. If you used to be someone who suffers from seasonal common colds and had to call in sick from work more than you would like but do not have that problem anymore, then this is a sure sign that your detox diet is working. Detoxing your body will restore the health of your immune system by giving it a better chance of fending off diseases and defeating them faster than it normally would. 


You Are Losing Weight

Even if this wasn’t the main reason you got into a detox diet in the first place, it will follow as a result of the combination of all of the above benefits. When your body is properly hydrated, clean on the inside and functioning at its best, your metabolism will inevitably improve and you will start shedding the extra weight. You will certainly start noticing that your clothes are getting looser. This is a more accurate way of checking for weight loss than depending on the scale, especially if you have some water retention.


Your Skin Is Clearer Than Ever Before

Beauty experts swear by the magical results a detox diet gives when it comes to their skin. Fatty and processed foods are the biggest enemies to a spot-free and glowing skin. When you follow a detox diet, the natural ingredients from your herbal teas will help purify your gut from these dangerous substances. Your nutritionist will probably advise you to eliminate dairy, fried food and sugars when on a detox to help your teas work better and faster for your desired results. So, if you are receiving more compliments than ever before about how healthy and clear your skin looks, then you have to thank your detox diet for this amazing transformation. 


When attempting a detox diet, you have to understand what exactly you are looking to achieve in order to set your expectations right. When you work with a nutritionist or a professional dietician, it will be safer. These experts will follow up on your progress and can advise on tweaking whatever is needed throughout your detox diet.