Smell Like 1 Million: Paco Robanne

VIVA Ems | 6th May 2017

Red carpet, photographers and spotlights. Hollywood, Paris, London, Saint Petersburg. Luxury, opulence, glamour, vacuity. A dash of boredom and an overdose of bla bla bla. A glance right and a wink. Cling! He takes her hand and leads her. Together, they run, get lost and hide. She’s the Bonnie to his Clyde. In the line of fire is the pure pleasure of maddening, invigorating adrenaline that thrives on shivers.

A safe opens with a snap of the fingers. They’re there. Sparkling, intense and precious: the famous gold bar and the insolent diamond. As the door closes behind them, the world in hot pursuit, the partners in crime go over the film in private. At daybreak, they are gone. A legendary scent lingers in the air. A finger to the lips. What was that? Shhhh… Silence is golden. The future is theirs.

This is Paco Robanne – 1 Million.