Want to look your best during Summer 2018? Here’s everything you need to detox your body from the inside out …

Tara O'Connell | 12th June 2018

Our body is constantly working to dispel toxins and unwanted matter from its various systems. Over time, the body gets run down from unhealthy food choices, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, stress and environmental factors that are all part of modern day life.

Taking time to cleanse your body and nurture yourself goes a long way in prevention, and also has immediate effects- greater energy, clearer skin, better digestion, mental clarity and so much more. We decided to track down the best of best that will help you cleanse yourself, ensuring you look, and feel, your absolute best during Summer 2018.

1. Botonique
A positive step in cleansing the body is trying to avoid alcohol and replacing it with something healthier. We did some research into what could be the perfect substitute for the evening tipple and discovered Botonique. It is plentiful of beneficial elements such as Prelixir® and has a unique blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids which alcohol is known to deplete. This unique element means that Botonique is able to provide anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, alkalising, detoxifying and hydrating benefits, resulting in all the pleasure of drinking without the negative side effects.

VIVAs thoughts: Although it doesn’t taste just like wine, once you’ve filled up a glass with some chilled Botonique it truly makes for a very refreshing drink. It is an easy replacement for wine and once you’ve had one glass, you’re likely to fancy another. It goes down even better knowing it actually has health benefits – winning!

2. Indigo Nutrition’s Organic Supergreens Powder
So Botonique have our evening drink sorted, but what about the morning time? Our top pick is the Super Greens Powder, an Organic Superfood from Indigo Herbs. It’s a premium quality powder mix of organic Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Moringa, Spirulina and Chlorella powder. It represents the very finest in green superfood and fuels the body with vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants.

VIVAs thoughts: One word: wow! This powder really packs a punch. We tried it in a smoothie, juice and a soup – it gives a dish such a nutritious boost without making it taste funky. After a week of using this, we felt a spring in our step and will be sure to order more packs during the summer months!

3. Skinny Coffee Club Instant Blend
Offering a delicious and safe alternative to traditional weight loss programmes, Skinny Coffee Club combines tasty coffee beans with fat-burning ingredients to speed up your metabolism, curb cravings and increase energy levels. When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, just two cups a day can help you beat the bloat and lose up to one stone in 28 days.

VIVAs thoughts: This is ideal for the caffeine addicts or Starbucks regulars. Replacing a mocha with this will lessen your sugar intake and help you feel your best over the summer months. It’s super tasty and the decaffeinated night time coffee will send you off to sleep fueled with goodness.

4. Natur Boutique – Moringa Leaf Tea
Moringa benefitsinclude antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, balancing hormones and slowing the effects of aging, improving digestivehealth, balancing blood sugar levels and helping fight diabetes, protecting and nourishing the skin, and helping stabilize mood and protect brain health.

VIVA thoughts: This tea is fruity and nice to drink, along with an abundance of health benefits. We can’t complain! Swap this for your English Breakfast tea and you will reap the rewards of an inner cleanse.

5. Hempz exotic green tea & Asian pear exfoliating mud and body mask
This product is designed to help the skin feel refreshed, revitalized and balanced. It includes shea butter and ginseng to calm and soothe the skin. It also has vitamins A, C and E to help protest the skin from natural and environmentally triggered oxidants. It also nourishes the skin and gives it a healthier look and feel.

VIVA thoughts: This body mask is best used when left on for around 4/5 minutes before washing off. It is a thick paste but smells incredible. Using this over standard body wash shows a huge difference in how the skin feels. The natural products make the skin feel softer for longer and the skin truly glows after a few uses.

6. Palmers Coconut Oil Firming Body Lotion
The combination of marine seaweed extract and caffeine helps stimulate circulation and ease fluid retention,whilst Coconut Oil and Sweet Almond Oil boost skin elasticity and moisture. The unique blend of these 4 natural ingredients results in a more toned and firmer skin appearance in as little as 2 weeks!

VIVA thoughts: this bottle of lotion is the cream of dreams. It sinks into the skin beautifully and smells delicious. VIVA has tried out many of Palmers range but this is certainly up there with the best of the best. Not only this, but we tested it out on our arms over the course of two weeks and actually discovered they felt tighter and smoother! Ideal to use over the summertime to look and feel your best.

7. VSL#3
VSL 3 contains 8 different strains of beneficial bacteria which have been selected on the basis of scientific studies for their ability to bond to the walls of the digestive tract. The unique blend of beneficial bacteria in VSL 3 works by colonising the gastrointestinal tract with ‘good’ bacteria, helping to sustain a favorable balance of bacteria in the gut. Maintaining a favorable balance of beneficial bacteria helps keep the ‘bad’ bacteria at bay.

VIVA thoughts: We used this for a couple of weeks and found that it can really reduce bloating. We think this is definitely one of the best probiotics on the market and ideal for anyone with stomach issues. It tastes great mixed with some orange squash too, just make sure you keep it in the fridge! It has many other health benefits, which can be found on their website.

Tweet us with your thoughts on these products and which ones you will be using over Summer 2018!

You can click on the title of each product to be taken to the purchasing page.